Taking Delivery


Can weigh up to


Components (approximately)

48 Hours

Delivery from dispatch

Taking delivery of your Buschbeck Barbecue

All of the Buschbeck product range is available for immediate despatch from our warehouse and will normally be delivered to you within 48 hours after leaving us.

Shortly after we have received your order, you will receive a call from us to arrange your delivery day at your convenience.
So you will always know which day your Buschbeck order will arrive.

Buschbeck barbecues are delivered on one shrink-wrapped pallet complete with printed assembly instructions and can weigh up to 450 kilos. Each Buschbeck barbecue contains approximately 10 sectional components and ideally, two people are required to assemble Buschbeck barbecues as some of the individual components are quite heavy.

Our transport providers will deliver your Buschbeck barbecue fireplace to the nearest vehicular access point at the delivery address and are under no obligation to place the barbecue or any of its components any nearer to the barbecue’s final position

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